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Learn The #1 Ab Training Method That Goes Completely Against Conventional Abdominal Training Methods To Finally Achieve That “Washboard Ab” Look 
Get the BRAND NEW Final Phase ABS 2.0 At 66% OFF (This week only)
To celebrate the release of Final Phase Fat Loss Bodyweight Edition 2.0, we want to offer you a BRAND NEW Abs Training program, designed specifically to compliment the Final Phase Fat Loss workouts – at a whopping 66% OFF.

Final Phase ABS is designed to work hand in hand with the Final Phase Fat Loss Bodyweight Edition to accelerate your results even further, helping you burn more fat while creating the lean and healthy core you’re after.

There are a ton of myths surrounding abdominal training. From how to train your core to get that last bit of “washboard abs” look, to what “core training” even means, to whether trainer your abs even helps your six-pack look better (the answer to that last one is both yes and no).

I had to learn all of this the hard way: through a long process of trial and error. The very first time I got really lean I was 20 years old. I had put on 15 lbs of muscle the previous sixth months, and had just, through rigorous, intelligent training, cut down to my original, lean body fat.

I was expecting to look like Batman himself. Shredded, cut up, and with abs that had their own personality. 

But something was off. Even though you could kind of see my abs, when I walked around with a shirt on, it looked like my stomach was sticking out like I was constantly bloated. When I took my shirt off at the beach, my abs were more like a half-melted chocolate bar than a granite carving.

I tried doing more “traditional” core exercises… hundreds of sit-ups, and minutes on minutes holding planks. Not only did this ab training not help, but it actually led to pain.
A week later, as I started my competitive sports season, my low back ached worse and worse with each workout. Soon, I could hardly compete in my sport, let alone look my best at the beach.

I saw a physical therapist, who showed me a jumble of complicated “core” exercises. Even though there were 18 steps for each drill and I could hardly keep track of all the complex positions… I have to admit… they helped.

They were unlike any exercises I’d seen before.

Not only did the concepts solve my back pain… they also gave me that cut-out-of-stone look.

What followed was years of trial and error, taking the concepts and attempting to simplify and teach them effectively for all my clients whether they wanted a shredded core or to heal chronic pain.

What resulted from further experimentation and discussions with top strength coaches led to understanding the one aspect of abdominal training that is only known by the top performance training professions

The type of ab training you won’t see in your average gym.

This ab training foundational principle is why Final Phase Abs 2.0 even exists, and why it’s so effective for everything from making your abs stage ready to never dealing with back pain again.

$60 $19 (special launch price)

Final Phase ABS Training Guide Features 10 BRAND NEW, never seen before workouts made available to you as a thank you for being part of the launch of FPFL Bodyweight 2.0.

Final Phase Abs takes the best of all of the training styles in FPFL and creates complimentary workouts for each, helping to enhance your progress while strengthening your core and building lean, sexy abs.
By combining aspects of the different training modalities in Final Phase Fat Loss and working with the natural functions of your abdominals, you'll produce insane results because of fat-fighting hormones COMBINED with the ab-specific training of the program.

Final Phase ABS 2.0 workouts are truly going to take your results to the next level, and by creating a training effect in your entire core while in an enhanced hormonal state, you ALSO create an environment that helps to build lean, calorie-burning, and metabolism-enhancing muscle tissue.

Final Phase ABS 2.0 workouts can be done as a complement to EITHER Final Phase Fat Loss Bodyweight Edition OR the original program. These 10 workouts can be done AT HOME, with no equipment. (Not hard to see how they fit in with bodyweight workouts.)

The FPA 2.0 workouts have only been released at this discount only as an exclusive bonus as a thank you for being part of the FPFL Bodyweight Edition 2.0 launch. You will not be able to purchase them anywhere else.

Again, this program is COMPLETELY complimentary to the Final Phase Fat Loss Bodyweight Edition 2.0 program. They can be used hand in hand with the program to further accelerate your results, as well as anytime after.

NOTE: This is a one-time offer that will not be made again.

What’s different about the 2.0 version?

FPA 2.0 is completely revamped with not only new exercises and workouts, but a completely new ab training philosophy. It takes the FPFL training philosophy and applies it to how our abs are really designed to be trained.

Can I use Final Phase Abs 2.0 with other programs?

Yes. In fact, once you finish the FPFL bodyweight program in conjunction with Final Phase Abs, I expect that you’ll be using the FPA 2.0 principles for the rest of your life.
That’s because, in FPA 2.0, we teach you how to properly use your abs to achieve the best-looking abs you’ve ever void of unnecessary pain.

What makes this ab training technique so effective?
So many programs focus on working the abs in any way imaginable: crunches, twists, and other strange exercises in sets of a 100. The problem with these is that’s not what our abs actually do. The Final Phase Abs 2.0 concepts are so effective because they teach you how to train your abs the way they’re meant to be trained
This not only leads to having the best abs of your life, but will also improve your posture and help you avoid unnecessary injuries.

Can I buy this program at a later date?
Right now, this is the only place to grab it. In the future, we'll probably put it on sale, but NOT at this price.

$60 $19

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